Congratulations to Mike for winning March’s “Member of the Month” award! In accordance with our core values at Wayfarer CrossFit, Mike exemplifies respect, selflessness, a great attitude, and a solid attendance record.
We recently sat down with Mike to ask him a few questions so you can get to know him better. His answers are in bold.
What is your occupation? Senior Director of Operations at Levin Furniture.
What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit? Hunting, four wheeling and lounging.
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? Don’t go out too fast..
How long have you been doing CrossFit? How long at Wayfarer? Since 2015, been at Wayfarer since October.
What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve achieved since you started doing CrossFit? Back squatting 418.
Why did you start doing CrossFit and what made you choose Wayfarer CrossFit? I liked the variety in the workouts. I choose Wayfarer because of the community the first time I dropped in.
Favorite WOD/movement? Clean and Jerks/Grace.
Least favorite WOD/movement? Running and burpees.
What is your favorite music to listen to during a workout? Rap and rock mix.
What is the one cheat meal you won’t give up no matter what? Haven’t had a cheat meal in a couple of months, but pizza when I do!
What is your worst gym habit? Forgetting things at the gym (editor’s note: you and everyone else!)
What would you recommend to someone that is just starting CrossFit or is too afraid to try it? Show up and put in the effort, it will work.
How does it feel to be named Member of the Month? AWESOME!
What the (Blank)?
My typical post workout meal is ground sirloin, cauliflower and rice.
I can’t go to the gym without my headband.
CrossFit is great workouts and a great community.