Congratulations to Nick for winning July’s “Member of the Month” award! In accordance with our core values at Wayfarer CrossFit, Nick exemplifies respect, selflessness, a great attitude, and a solid attendance record.
We recently sat down with Nick to ask him a few questions so you can get to know him better. His answers are in red.
What is your occupation? Educator
What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit? Car cruising.
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? Everything happens for a reason.
How long have you been doing CrossFit? How long at Wayfarer? 2 years (I think).
What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve achieved since you started doing CrossFit? Getting healthier for my family. I want to be kicking ass into my 90’s.
Why did you start doing CrossFit and what made you choose Wayfarer CrossFit? I followed the games and some athletes for a while. I really liked the challenge and the different modalities that it entailed. CrossFit seemed to be something that would constantly be challenging. I met Nate at a fundraiser and we were sharing our stories and podcasts and love for the sport. I came to a few Saturday WODs and was hooked. Drank the whole jug of Kool-Aid.
Favorite WOD/movement? I really like different movements in one Workout. A barbell, some gymnastics and grunt work.
Least favorite WOD/movement? Squat snatches and overhead squats.
What is your favorite music to listen to during a workout? Just about everything except for rap.
What is the one cheat meal you won’t give up no matter what? I don’t get them often, maybe a few times a year but wings from Jigger’s and or pasta from Cenacola.
What is your worst gym habit? Chalk and talking during the warmup.
What would you recommend to someone that is just starting CrossFit or is too afraid to try it? Wayfarer is so welcoming and overall the best place to better yourself. From exercise to eating healthy to just being a better you. CrossFit provides a challenging but truer way to becoming healthy.
How does it feel to be named Member of the Month? I am honored. There are so many amazing people who belong to the gym, happy to represent Wayfarer.
What the (Blank)?
My typical post workout meal is a meat and veggies.
I can’t go to the gym without chalk, wraps and a drink.
CrossFit is a pathway to making a better, stronger, healthier you. CrossFit builds self confidence and provides one of the best hours of my day and makes me happy.