Congratulations to Joe for winning September’s “Member of the Month” award! In accordance with our core values at Wayfarer CrossFit, Joe exemplifies respect, selflessness, a great attitude, and a solid attendance record.
We recently sat down with Joe to ask him a few questions so you can get to know him better. His answers are in bold below.
What is your occupation? I am a financial advisor with Hefren-Tillotson (partner of the Kanaan-Yezovich Group). A lot of my time is spent helping people transition through major life changes such as retirement, losing a loved one, or the birth of a child. I help them make smart financial decisions along the way. I absolutely love my job and find it very rewarding to be able to help people gain peace of mind when it comes to their investments and financial planning.
What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit? A few hobbies of mine include: spending time with family, listening to live music, competing in sports (lower impact sports these days…i.e. pickleball, horseshoes, cornhole, etc.), eating out at different restaurants in the area, riding my Harley, binge watching any historical fiction or documentary on Netflix and volunteering.
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? If you want to be successful in life, hard work and determination is a necessity. Take pride in your work and always put your best foot forward, regardless the task at hand. Integrity in thought and action.
How long have you been doing CrossFit? How long at Wayfarer? My wife Maria and I started doing CrossFit about 5 years ago, took some time off and then joined Wayfarer in the spring of 2018.
What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve achieved since you started doing CrossFit? I would have to go with being able to crank out 10 rope climbs in a WOD a few weeks ago.
Why did you start doing CrossFit and what made you choose Wayfarer CrossFit? My brother pulled me into the CrossFit world whenever he became a coach at Rising Six Strength and Conditioning. I saw the positive impact it had on his fitness and decided to try it myself. Not only did I love the competitive workouts, but the people, community and social side of CrossFit is what really got me hooked. Given a few life events (studying for different exams, birth of our first child, moving, etc.), Maria and I took some time away from the CrossFit gym. My fitness and health suffered and I was not feeling too good at that time. I needed to make a change and missed the CrossFit workouts, community and accountability. I decided to drop in at Wayfarer for a class and the rest is history. It is such a great gym with great people!
Favorite WOD/movement? I would have to go with squats or deadlifts.
Least favorite WOD/movement? Any “long” distance type of run.
What is your favorite music to listen to during a workout? Anything with a good beat/bass.
What is the one cheat meal you won’t give up no matter what? Lasagna and breadsticks.
What is your worst gym habit? Not enough stretching.
What would you recommend to someone that is just starting CrossFit or is too afraid to try it? The first two weeks will be the most difficult, but keep showing up. Trust the process and focus on mastering form vs. overloading weights just to check the “RX” box. Focus on personal goals, rather than competing with those in class.
How does it feel to be named Member of the Month? Humbled and honored. There are so many dedicated Wayfarer members who show up every day and get after it.
What the (Blank)?
My typical post workout meal is 5:30am class = scrambled eggs.
I can’t go to the gym without my water bottle and positive attitude :-).
CrossFit is the perfect mix of weightlifting and cardio; between the workouts and sense of community within the classes, it is addicting and something I look forward to each day.