Congratulations to Gina for being named May’s “Member of the Month”! In accordance with our core values at Wayfarer CrossFit, Gina exemplifies respect, selflessness, a great attitude, and a solid attendance record.
We recently sat down with Gina to ask her a few questions so you can get to know her better. Her answers are in bold.
What is your occupation? Operating Room Nurse
What class time do you normally attend? Every time except 5:30am
What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit? I did not have a life outside of the gym up until 2 weeks ago when I graduated college so I don’t really have any! I enjoy crafting and doing DIY’s though.
What is the best advice you’ve been given? People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. All relationships, regardless of length, have a purpose. -Jennifer Mrozienski
How long have you been doing CrossFit? How long at Wayfarer? I started CrossFit when I started at Wayfarer in December of 2021
What is the biggest accomplishment since you started doing CrossFit? Toes to bar! I couldn’t even do knee raises when I started!
Why did you choose to start doing CrossFit and what made you choose Wayfarer? I needed something to relieve the stress from Nursing School so Nick introduced me to Wayfarer!
Favorite WOD/movement? Anything deadlifts or power cleans
Least favorite WOD/movement? Anything burpee related
What is your favorite music to listen to during a workout? Pop remixes or whatever coach Bri plays
What is the one cheat meal you won’t give up no matter what? Mac N Cheese
What is your worst gym habit? Underestimating my strength and ability
What would you recommend to someone that is just starting CrossFit or is too afraid to try it? Just show up and KEEP showing up. It’s going to be difficult, you’re going to hurt, you’re going to be out of your element, but it’s so worth it. Never compare your starting progress to someone else’s 10 year progress, we all start somewhere!
How does it feel to be named MoTM? Amazing! I’m so happy! This has been something I have wanted since I started!!!
My typical post workout meal is nothing (editor’s note: can someone get this girl some food!)
I can’t go to the gym without my neon pink NoBulls
CrossFit is a way to challenge myself daily.