Congratulations to Margie for being named April’s “Member of the Month”! In accordance with our core values at Wayfarer CrossFit, Margie exemplifies respect, selflessness, a great attitude, and a solid attendance record.
We recently sat down with Margie to ask her a few questions so you can get to know her better. Her answers are in bold.
What is your occupation? Retired Management Consultant / Gartner Expert Partner
What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit? My 3 grandsons and post retirement work – I’m partnering with my husband Vince in real estate and also consulting about 8 hours / week to my previous company, Gartner.
What is the best advice you’ve been given? A couple things: Trust the process. Keep your head down and work hard and you’ll succeed.
How long have you been doing CrossFit? How long at Wayfarer? 10.5 years and 9 months at Wayfarer.
What is the biggest accomplishment since you started doing CrossFit? Consistently making the Age Group Qualifier / Quarterfinals and amazingly making the Games in 2021.
Why did you choose to start doing CrossFit and what made you choose Wayfarer? I accidentally went to a class at KSX 10.5 years ago, couldn’t do anything and just fell in love with it and wanted to be able to do it. I chose Wayfarer because of the great programming; the focus on skills and learning, and most of all because the coaches really care about the members.
Favorite WOD/movement? Anything with TTB, deadlifts, dumbbell snatches!
Least favorite WOD/movement? DOUBLE UNDERS!!!
What is your favorite music to listen to during a workout? Anything loud with a beat!!! Rap or 70’s rock!
What is the one cheat meal you won’t give up no matter what? Chocolate. Desserts. Ice cream.
What is your worst gym habit? Chalk everywhere.
What would you recommend to someone that is just starting CrossFit or is too afraid to try it? Try it you’ll be hooked. Remember that none of us could do this when we started either. And you will thrive with the community support.
How does it feel to be named MoTM? Amazing! I appreciate it so much! There are so many people who deserve to be MoTM – I am just trying to keep up with them!
My typical post workout meal is chicken, vegetables, fruit … and dessert.
I can’t go to the gym without chalk, knee sleeves, and jump rope.
CrossFit is an amazing way to stay fit and healthy and do things I never would have thought I could do.